
Nusa Lemongan:::island of sun, fun &...seaweed farming!!

We took a boat over to a small neighboring island, Nusa Lemongan. It was a very peaceful island, not much to do but snorkel, scuba (which was joe's thing), read books in cool shady places:::unless you are a local- where you spend every minute the tide is out planting & harvesting seaweed. Since there was not much else going on I will share the whole wonderful world of seaweed farming with you all (because I know you are dying to learn about it)

me not so happy about being on a little boat going for hours into the deep sea...
me much happier realizing the trip was less than an hour and I can see land!!!
the sunset view from our room
our beautiful feet in the marble rye sand
scuba joe joe and his dive master who apparently was very wild with his poking stick
down at the bottoms of the sea

and at last the fabulous world of seaweed::
here you can see how they actually mark off their individual plots

some areas are easier to get to, while others require a boat and snorkel to retrieve the weed
locals and their whole familys out gathering

the seaweed industry is very advanced technologically speaking

they start them young around here

and finally a view of the various species drying, this takes up nearly all land space in the villages...if only we had a smellocam (let's just say it won't be the next yankee candle scent)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep working ,great job!