
joe finally found some granola

our new hot spot for a good dinner is Queen's Tandoor- where the Indian food is so good I (who normally hate it) want to go there every day!!!

joe so full his eyes are bulging

me enjoying a tasty glass of the house red, gift from the manager, at our still #1 favorite restaurant ultimo

eating at a warung with our indo. friends bimbang & ferry

joe trying out his godmade utensils

this is not uncommon to see buses this full.....

is that a pony????

why yes it is..... along with a dozen others shoved in the back of the truck!!

i wish i could say this is the worst bathroom i have seen....or used....
but the fact that this was at an airport is
soooo crazy.... sick and crazy!!!!
apparently there was not money for a janitor or a someone for security...
we were able to smuggle on a full litre of water (imagine that at home!!!)

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