
Catlins: Day II

A walk through a lush rain forest to Purakanui Falls.

the falls are very tranquil with water gently flowing over the naturally carved tiered rocks

Cathedral Caves

an hour hike through dense rain forest leads to the impressive cathedral caves acessible only during low tides

The cave ceiling is nearly 100' high in spots, creating the cathedral like feel

the cave was full of dead sea weed... that looks more like chunks of octopus

me taking in the beautiful ocean views from within the cave

Joe practicing his super hero pose..

The Petrified Forest
180 year old forest from the jurassic period

the petrified wood is home to tons of snails ... thought about eating them but if memory serves me right it takes a lot more prep than you'd think...

penguins! these were a lot more tame than the others on otago peninsula

this seaweed is all over the coasts of the catlins.. and i love it!
it looks like a giant bowl of egg noodles... and it is constantly moving and flowing with water
it can be prett hypnotic

we thought this was a mother & child playing...
but it turned out to be a male trying to court a lady
after some wrestling and dancing he ended up chasing her into the water..
the whole scene was funny to watch

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